Baton Rouge Louisiana Temple

Baton Rouge Louisiana Temple

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Fun Phone Calls

I'm glad it wasn't too busy today because there were lots of fun phone calls.

Elder W's older brother wanted to wish his missionary brother a happy one year on his mission and tell him that he loved him. So I called Elder W to give him the message.  I think it made him pretty happy to know that someone was thinking about him.

Elder B called to see if we could get some copies of the Book of Mormon and Bibles to his Zone Leaders to bring to him. After we got that taken care of I asked if there was anything else he needed. He said he'd like more money on his support card.  I told him Elder Lauper was out of the office and he's the one to talk to.  That's not really anything we can do, but I did ask and he did tell me.  We had a good conversation about budgeting, getting an education and a good job.  He says he doesn't ever want to have to be quite this frugal again!

Elders B called about a golden contact who moved to IL. He said it was the best investigator of his whole mission and just wanted to be sure that the missionaries followed up, because he was giving them a baptism.  I sent out the referral to the new mission with a brief explanation about the contact.

Sister P called about faxing us her missionary's DMV report so said missionary would be able to drive. I assured her that we love her missionary who's in very good hands with 3 other companions who are stellar missionaries.  

The picture is Elder Asuoa and Elder Casillas who are on an exchange.  Elder Casillas is the one who called from the Dallas airport to let us know that their flight to Baton Rouge had been cancelled. That was probably on the March 4 or 5 post.  Apparently Elder C was on the pay phone with Travel Lady from Salt Lake who had President Wall on the other line, and Elder C was going between Travel Lady and the agent at the airline counter and managing it all quite well.  Great Guy!

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