Baton Rouge Louisiana Temple

Baton Rouge Louisiana Temple

Friday, March 21, 2014

"Slower Than Molasses"

The title pretty much describes this day. It's so dead around here. The office elders left before we came to the office to go a dozen places including a meeting at the Stake Center and District Meeting.  Elder Fontenot wasn't in today. He has family coming from North Carolina for the weekend. So, to fill up the hours, I've read my scriptures, prepared a Relief Society lesson for Sunday, made files & printed cards, summaries & labels for the April incoming elders and sisters, got the referrals up to date, cleaned out existing files in the drawer and replaced some tattered files. And that was before noon.

The brightest part of the day is always when we're visited by the missionaries--especially the sisters because we can hug!! These are 3 of  our Spanish sisters.  They live here in Baton Rouge--actually about 2 blocks from our apartment.  Sister Astle, on the left, is from St. George.  I've written about her before.  She's a sweetheart. Well, all of them are. She came out last October so she'll be released about 2 months before we are.  We plan on getting together post-mission.  Sister Carolan, center, will be released next week to go home to Minnesota.  And Sister Mishko, an Arizona girl, is one of our newest sisters.  She arrived in the mission with the last transfer--one of the group who came from the Mexico City MTC and had their Dallas to Baton Rouge flight cancelled so flew into New Orleans.  They're having a baptism tomorrow and needed to print a few programs and laminate bookmarks they'd made for their new members.  Those look like 3 very happy faces to me!

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